HIPAA-Compliant Teleneurohealth Evaluations
Brief and economical teleneurohealth evaluations that adhere to HIPAA regulations and determine the likelihood of neurobehavioral impairment.
Top 4 Reasons to Use Us
Every patient will get the care of our board-certified clinicians and subject matter experts in neurobehavioral health.

Our cutting-edge telemedicine platform, in full compliance with HIPAA regulations, enables us to perform 100% remote evaluations. The Nexus TeleNeuroHealth system is accessible via any device with internet connectivity and eliminates the need for in-person clinic visits.

We are able to offer you a cost-effective neuropsychological evaluation using our innovative process that has been refined over the last 30 years. Traditional neuropsychological evaluations can range from $5,000 to $15,000.

Your results will be delivered in 72 hours or less. That’s ⅕ of the time of typical neuropsychological evaluations!

Board-certified neuropsychologists conduct a clinical interview (during each cognitive assessment) in order to deliver quantifiable TBI and PTSD evaluations.
The Current Reality

Poor Patient Experience
Standard neuropsychological assessment can prove challenging due to the length of many cognitive batteries, the need to administer tests in the clinic, and high costs.

The Waiting Game
Whether the claimant is part of a single or mass tort case, many wait months and even years for their settlement.

Increased Suffering Due to Treatment Delays
Neurobehavioral impairments are commonly experienced by individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and/or PTSD, and may contribute to difficulties performing basic activities of daily living.
The Problem
Every 23 seconds, someone in the United States suffers an acquired traumatic brain trauma.
Standard neuropsychological assessments can prove challenging due to the length of many cognitive batteries, the need to administer tests in the clinic, and high costs. Neurobehavioral impairments are commonly experienced by persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and may contribute to difficulties performing instrumental and basic activities of daily living.

Struck by Objects (Including Sports)
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Source: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC